Win Your Lawsuit And Lose
Win your lawsuit and lose your money.
A Shameless Fellow Will Win
A shameless fellow will win.
He Who Perseveres Wins At Last
He who perseveres wins at last.
It Is A Bad Game Where Nobody Wins
It is a bad game where nobody wins.
In A Quarrel, The Higher
In a quarrel, the higher voiced person will win.
Tomorrow’s Battle Is Won
Tomorrow’s battle is won during today’s practice.
The Best Horse Doesn’t Always
The best horse doesn’t always win the race.
You Can’t Win Them All
You can’t win them all.
In The Birds’ Court
In the birds’ court, a cockroach never wins his case.
Stupid People Always Win
Stupid people always win.
Slow But Steady Wins The Race
Slow but steady wins the race.
Where Two Are Fighting, A Third One Wins
Where two are fighting, a third one wins.
He Who Takes No Chances Wins Nothing
He who takes no chances wins nothing.
Faint Hearts Never Win Fair Ladies
Faint hearts never win fair ladies.
You Win Some, You Lose Some
You win some, you lose some.