The Good Hate To Sin From Love
The good hate to sin from love of virtue; the bad hate to sin from fear of punishment.
Every Story Can Be Told
Every story can be told in different ways.
It Is Better To Be Always Prepared
It is better to be always prepared than to suffer once.
Don’t Keep Any Secrets
Don’t keep any secrets of yourself from yourself.
Danger Can Never Be Overcome
Danger can never be overcome without taking risks.
Listen To Valuable Statements
Listen to valuable statements even if they come from your enemy’s mouth.
He Who Increases Knowledge
He who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
Advice Is Not A Popular Thing To Give
Advice is not a popular thing to give.
Many Will Hate You
Many will hate you if you love yourself.
A Drop Of Wisdom Is Better
A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of gold.
One Minute Of Patience Can Result
One minute of patience can result in ten years of peace.
Either Remain Quiet
Either remain quiet, or say things that improve the silence.
It Is Necessary To Risk Something
It is necessary to risk something.