He Who Would Be Long
He who would be long an old man must begin betimes.
He who would be long an old man must begin betimes.
A new net won’t catch an old bird.
It is better to irritate a dog than an old woman.
Old thanks cannot be used for new gifts.
The devil is bad because he is old.
Old wine and friends improve with age.
Old horses don’t forget the way.
Death is in front of the old person and at the back of the young person.
Make new friends but keep the old.
Old love will not be forgotten.
The devil knows many things because he is old.
If you would not live to be old, you must be hanged when you are young.
If you lay upon roses when young, you’ll lie upon thorns when old.
A young angel, an old devil.
He who becomes blind in his old age does not lose his way.
Where there are old people, nothing goes wrong.
The young should be taught, the old should be honored.
Everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to be called old.
All old sayings have something in them.
Do not fret for news, it will grow old and you will know it.