If There Are Two Cooks In One House
If there are two cooks in one house, the soup is either too salty or too cold.
A Good Wife Is The Crown Of The House
A good wife is the crown of the house.
So Many Houses, So Many Customs
So many houses, so many customs
He Who Lives In A Glass House
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones at others.
Who Likes You Well Will Come
Who likes you well will come to your house.
Should One Burn Down
Should one burn down one’s house for fear of rats.
The Wealth Of A House Is
The wealth of a house is a wise woman.
A House Has The Character
A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
If You Live In A Glass House
If you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones.
He Who Builds A House In
He who builds a house in the market-place, builds either too high or too low.
Everyone Likes Justice
Everyone likes justice in another’s house, none in his own.
It Is No Time To Play Chess
It is no time to play chess when the house is on fire.
The House Completed, Possession
The house completed, possession defeated.
The Poorhouse Is Filled
The poorhouse is filled with honest people.
Keep Your House And
Keep your house and your house will keep you.
It Is Easier To Demolish
It is easier to demolish a house than to build one.