A Dog Bites The Stone
A dog bites the stone, not him who throws it.
A dog bites the stone, not him who throws it.
An old dog can’t get used to chains.
A dog is wiser than a woman; it does not bark at its master.
The dog learns to swim when the water reaches his ears.
Your dog wishes you a long life.
It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
If you stop every time a dog barks, then your road will never end.
It’s better to be a free dog than a caged lion.
If you have a dog, don’t throw away bones.
A mad dog bites anything except itself.
The dog wags his tail, not for you, but for your bread.
One dog barks at something, and the rest bark at him.
He cannot be a gentleman that loveth not a dog.
After three years at a village schoolhouse, even a dog can recite a poem.
Every dog is a tiger in his own street.
The silent dog is the first to bite.
If a man be great, even his dog will wear a proud look.
A house without either a cat or a dog is the house of a scoundrel.
A dog in the manger, that neither eats nor lets others eat.
The mad dog bites its master.