Harm Watch, Harm Catch
Harm watch, harm catch.
He Who Wants Too Much
He who wants too much doesn’t catch anything.
If The Cat Sits Long Enough
If the cat sits long enough at the hole, she will catch the mouse.
You Can Catch More Flies
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Those Who Sleep Don’t Catch Any Fish
Those who sleep don’t catch any fish.
Throwing Your Cap At A Bird
Throwing your cap at a bird is not the way to catch it.
An Eagle Does Not Catch Flies
An eagle does not catch flies.
He Who Chases Two Rabbits At Once Will Catch None
He who chases two rabbits at once will catch none.
Here Is No Hand To Catch Time
Here is no hand to catch time.
Use Your Enemy’s Hand To Catch A Snake
Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake.
High Trees Catch A Lot Of Wind
High trees catch a lot of wind.
One Strong Man Does Not Catch Another Strong Man
One strong man does not catch another strong man.