Who Can’t Help, Listens In Vain
Who can’t help, listens in vain.
Who can’t help, listens in vain.
You need four men to make a good salad: a crazy man to mix it, a scholar for the salt, a miser for a touch of vinegar, and a squanderer for the oil.
Words are for reasoning.
Who doesn’t intend to pay, signs any contract.
You can’t punch your way into heaven.
Today to me, tomorrow to you, we’re all in it together.
The good sailor is proven in a storm.
Who chooses a wife based on the dowry, will have a painful life.
You get work from the young and advice from the old.
When you see many dogs at a bone, it’s best to make yourself scarce.
Night time sleep counsels man.
The door is always open to the bearer of gifts.
You’re never too old to learn.
No one does something for nothing.
Weapons can be of little use to the fearful.
Who likes you well will come to your house.
One beautiful day doesn’t make a summer.
The more you know the less you believe.
You become a lot better if you think about your death.
When loves knocks, be sure to answer.