Friends Are Flowers In The Garden Of Life
Friends are flowers in the garden of life.
Friends are flowers in the garden of life.
The rivers flow to the ocean.
The hawk does not nest with the sparrow.
Change yourself, and your luck will change.
Each head its sentence.
An old mare rides as well as young filly .
Four eyes see more than two.
A good year is determined by its spring.
Beauty is a good letter of introduction.
The cat is a good friend, only she scratches.
Give me money, not advice.
To live long, eat like a rabbit, drink like a bear and make love like a badger.
A forest is in an acorn.
Open your purse, and i will open my mouth.
Everything must have a beginning.
Marrying sounds well, but tastes ill.
Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost.
What the son has not learned, the father did not know.
Broken friendship may be soldered but can never be made sound.
If you live in a mud house, beware of storms.