Good To Begin Well
Good to begin well, better to end well.
Good to begin well, better to end well.
Believe no tales from an enemy’s tongue.
It is easier to pull down than to build.
Hell and destruction are never full.
Cut your coat according to your cloth.
It is as natural to be born as to die.
Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
Every man is a king in his own house.
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
The night comes when no man can work.
Death makes equal the high and low.
All are not hunters that blow the horn.
Who lives by hope will die by hunger.
Talk of the wolf, and his tail appears.
If you play with fire you get burnt.
A long tongue is a sign of a short hand.
Deeds are males, and words are females.
Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.
It is the first step that is difficult.