The Wine Is Sweet
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter.
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter.
The longest road has an end and the straightest road has an end.
True friendship is like one soul living in two bodies.
When your hand is in the dog’s mouth, withdraw it gently.
The eye should be blind in the home of another.
You should never stop the plough to kill a mouse.
The wise bird flies lowest.
When children stand quiet, they have done some ill.
Long visits bring short compliments.
Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Kings have many ears and many eyes.
Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.
Many lords, many laws.
Do no business with a kinsman.
Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.
A good lawyer, an evil neighbour.
Good men suffer much.
First try and then trust.
The ant had wings to her hurt.
A lean fee is a fit reward for a lazy clerk.