Love The Enemy Of The Heart
Love the enemy of the heart.
Love the enemy of the heart.
Why save when your son is a good son? Why save when your son is a bad son?
He whose character is unstained can prosper, and even greatly.
Where the sun shines, there is also shade.
Worldly prosperity is like writing on water.
Milk pleases the body and friendship the heart.
Man is known by his company as gold by touchstone.
The deceitful have no true friends.
To the wise the world is foolish.
You can only lean against that which resists.
In buying even a farthing pitcher, test it and sound it well.
Your own wealth is flowers and wine.
It is only young bamboo that can be bent.
When you are in the water you swim.
Fate and self-help share equally in shaping our destiny.
New land means new quarrels.
You may lock up the cock, but the sun will still rise.
The end of a good man is good.
The truth is half a quarrel.
When money is not a servant it is a master.