The Fool Carries The Burden
The fool carries the burden.
The fool carries the burden.
For the friendship of two, the patience of one is required.
He who loves the truth has many enemies.
The poor search for food, and the rich search for hunger.
You can easily find a thousand teachers, but it is difficult to find a true disciple.
Thunder is not the source of the rain.
He who has studied himself is his own master.
The owl is small, but its voice is loud.
You can’t cook one half of a chicken and expect the other half to lay eggs.
A man in this world without learning is as a beast of the field.
Life is like the flame of a lamp; it needs a little oil now and then.
Rice tastes good when it is cooked properly, and talking is good when it is said at the right time.
Truth never perishes.
If you have planted a tree you must water to it.
Even the devil needs a friend.
An enemy’s punishment is his envy.
Fate and free-will both play an equal role in destinies.
Something done at the wrong time should be considered not done.
Non-Violence is the best religion.
The greatest hero is the person who controls his desires.