Old Age Is A Hundred Disorders
Old age is a hundred disorders.
Old age is a hundred disorders.
A constant knock will break the stone.
You must crawl before walking.
The young laugh when the old fall.
I was wise once: when I was born I cried.
A man without prudence is a ship without an anchor.
An angel on the road, a devil at the fireplace.
The best economy, economy of words.
A nation without a language is a nation without a heart.
The spring sun is worse than poison.
If you want to be a leader, be a bridge.
The child will grow, his clothes will not.
Better my own cottage than the palace of another.
The strength of a nation is its knowledge.
Starting the work is two thirds of it.
The seed of all evil is laziness.
A youth’s promise is like the froth of water.
The best shortage is a shortage of words.
A sword’s honour is its idleness.
Memory slips, letters remain.