Make No Headache Of
Make no headache of what is not your business.
Make no headache of what is not your business.
The amount of people equals the amount of opinions.
The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.
Punctuality is the politeness of kings.
Small child – small trouble, big child – big trouble.
The agreement depends on two persons.
Pepper is small but strong.
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
The flavour of health is given by an illness.
The dog barks but caravan goes on.
The dry leaves do not rustle if no wind blows.
The right hand does not know what the left is doing.
Property gained unlawfully will be lost in the same way.
The rope breaks where it is thinnest.
The place of an unbidden guest is behind the door.
The room and the stove are one item.
There is no loss, which is not a gain for somebody.
There is no medicine against death.
So many houses, so many customs
The believer is happy; the doubter is wise.