Doubtful The Die, And Dire The Cast
Doubtful the die, and dire the cast.
Doubtful the die, and dire the cast.
Every tear has a smile behind it.
First goblet and then drunkenness.
Flies will never leave the shop of a sweetmaker.
From you motion, from god blessing.
Fear those who do not fear god.
Four walls make a man free.
Go further and fare worse.
If children’s prayer had any effect, there wouldn’t be a single teacher alive.
He who doesn’t go to war roars like a lion.
He doesn’t see water, otherwise he is a skilled swimmer.
He who wants content can’t find an easy chair.
Giving advice to the ignorant is like the rain falling on muddy ground.
I used to feel sorry for myself because I had no shoes until I met a man who was dead.
If there are two cooks in one house, the soup is either too salty or too cold.
If everybody said bread and cheese, you put your head down and die.
He whose heart is aroused by love will never die.
I can only get better if I have good friends.
If you enter the city of the blind, cover your eyes.
I eat what others have planted and I plant what others want to eat.