If The Teacher Be Corrupt, The World Will Be Corrupt
If the teacher be corrupt, the world will be corrupt.
If the teacher be corrupt, the world will be corrupt.
Prepare your proof before you argue.
God gives burdens also shoulders.
Walls have mice and mice have ears.
Anyone who teases you loves you.
Let your ears hear what your mouth says.
As you teach, you learn.
The hat is fine but the head is too small.
You can’t force anyone to love you or lend you money.
A broken hand works, but not a broken heart.
Every man is the king of his own beard.
When the moon is full, it shines everywhere.
The rain that falls today, doesn’t fall tomorrow.
The night hides a world, but reveals a universe.
He that nothing questions, nothing learns.
The sky is of the same color wherever you go.
The fox uses his tale as a witness.
A flower is beautiful from all sides.
A greedy man is always poor.
Who needs the moon, when the sun is shining.